Learning Disorder, Learning Disorder , Learning Disorder Alternative Treatment, Learning Disorder Alternative Cure, Learning Disorder Alternative Medicine, Learning Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine , Learning Disorder Remedies , Learning Disorder Medical  Centre
Learning Disorder, Learning Disorder , Learning Disorder Alternative Treatment, Learning Disorder Alternative Cure, Learning Disorder Alternative Medicine, Learning Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine , Learning Disorder Remedies , Learning Disorder Medical  Centre
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Learning Disability, Learning Disorder

Learning disabilities, Learning disorder are real. A person can be of average or above-average intelligence, not have any major sensory problems (like blindness or hearing impairment), and yet struggle to keep up with people of the same age in learning and regular functioning.

What is a learning disability? - Learning disorder

A learning disability (LD), Learning disabilities, Learning disorder is a neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to receive, process, store and respond to information. The term learning disability, Learning disorder is used to describe the seeming unexplained difficulty a person of at least average intelligence has in acquiring basic academic skills. These skills are essential for success at school and work, and for coping with life in general. learning disability (LD), Learning disorder is not a single disorder. It is a term that refers to a group of disorders.

How can one tell if a person has a learning disability? - Learning disorder

Learning disabilities can affect a person's ability in the areas of:


Other features of a learning disability are: - Learning disorder

A distinct gap between the level of achievement that is expected and what is actually being achieved.

Difficulties that can become apparent in different ways with different people Difficulties that manifest themselves differently throughout development Difficulties with socio-emotional skills and behavior.

A learning disability is not a disease, so there is no cure, but there are ways to overcome the challenges it poses through identification and accommodation.

Identification: If there is reason to think a person might have learning disability (LD), Learning disorder, it is important to collect observations by parents, teachers, doctors and others regularly in contact with that person. If there does seem to be a pattern of trouble that is more than just an isolated case of difficulty, the next step is to seek help from school or consult a learning specialist for an evaluation.

Accommodation and Modification: Depending on the type of learning disability and its severity, as well as the person's age, different kinds of assistance can be provided. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1997 and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 people of all ages with learning disability (LD), Learning disorder are protected against discrimination and have a right to different forms of assistance in the classroom and workplace.

What causes learning disabilities ? - Learning disorder

Experts aren't exactly sure what causes learning disabilities. learning disability (LD), Learning disorder may be due to: Heredity - often learning disabilities run in the family, so it's not uncommon to find that people with learning disability (LD), Learning disorder have parents or other relatives with similar difficulties. Problems during pregnancy and birth - LD learning disabilities, Learning disorder may be caused by illness or injury during or before birth. It may also be caused by drug and alcohol use during pregnancy, low birth weight, lack of oxygen and premature or prolonged labor. Incidents after birth - Head injuries, nutritional deprivation and exposure to toxic substances (i.e. lead) can contribute to learning disability (LD), Learning disorder. Learning disabilities are NOT caused by economic disadvantage, environmental factors or cultural differences. In fact, there is frequently no apparent cause for learning disability (LD), Learning disorder.

Each type of strategy should be considered when planning instruction and support. A person with dysgraphia will benefit from help from both specialists and those who are closest to the person. Finding the most beneficial type of support is a process of trying different ideas and openly exchanging thoughts on what works best.

Are learning disabilities common? - Learning disorder

2.9 million school-aged children in the US are classified as having specific learning disabilities (SLD) and receive some kind of special education support. They are approximately 5% of all school-aged children in public schools. These numbers do not include children in private and religious schools or home-schooled children.

Learning disabilities do not fall evenly across racial and ethnic groups. For instance, in 2001 USA research shows , 1% of white children and 2.6% of non-hispanic black children were receiving learning disability (LD), Learning disorder-related special education services*. The same studies suggest that this has to do with economic status and not ethnic background. learning disability (LD), Learning disorder is not caused by economic disadvantage, but the increased risk of exposure to harmful toxins (lead, tobacco, alcohol, etc.) at early stages of development are prevalent in low-income communities.

Starting to treat learning disabilities - Learning disorder

Learning disabilities are lifelong, and although they won't go away, they don't have to stop a person from achieving goals. Help is available if they are identified. Learning disabilities affect every person differently, and the disorder can range from mild to severe. Sometimes people have more than one learning disability. In addition, approximately one third of people with learning disability (LD), Learning disorder also have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), which makes it difficult for them to concentrate, stay focused or manage their attention to specific tasks. With The Tole's Way of medicine of Leaning Disorder. its always good and effective from all these provern records.

LD learning disabilitiesand children - Learning disorder

Early identifications are vital in helping a child to succeed academically and all their life acheivements, as well as social interaction. If you think your child is displaying signs of a learning disability, share them with classroom teachers and others who come in contact with your child. Observe the way your child develops the language, motor coordination and social skills and behaviors important for success in school. And remember-early is better-even pre- schoolers can show signs of risk for it. Don't panic. Not all children who are slow to develop skills have learning disability (LD), Learning disorder. If your child does have a learning disability, early intervention with specialized teaching strategies can help to overcome difficulties. As a parent, it is important to learn as much as you can and to help your child understand that he or she is not alone: other children struggle too, and adults are there to help.

LD learning disabilities in adulthood - Learning disorder

It is never too late to get help for alearning disability (LD), Learning disorder. Finding out about a learning disability can be a great relief to adults who could not explain the reason for their struggles in the past. Testing specialists are available for people of all ages, and assistance is available for every stage of life. Taking the initiative to seek out support and services than can provide help is the first step to overcoming a learning disability.

Most adults (some of whom are unaware of learning disability (LD), Learning disorder have developed ways to cope with their difficulties and are able to lead successful, functioning lives. learning disability (LD), Learning disorder shouldn't hinder a person from attaining goals. Regardless of the situation, understanding the specific challenges and learning strategies to deal with learning disability (LD), Learning disorder directly at every stage can alleviate a lot of frustration and make successful living much easier.

Case 1- True Story of learning disability (LD, Learning disorder)

Name : Waleed
Age : 5 years
Sex : Male
Diagnose : Cortical Dysplasia/Hyperactive Disorder

He is having 'Çortical Dysplasia' which affects frontal and cerebellum areas and he is also having hyperactive disorder.

When first time his father bring him to Master Leong he definitely has a very serious case. He cannot sit and walk. He just cries for the whole day, pulling his hair and show undetermined action.

Master Leong advice to get The Tole's Neuro Acupuncture and Brain powder herbs learning disability (LD), Learning disorder treatment. After 2nd day of Neuro Acupuncture and Brain powder herbs learning disability (LD), Learning disorder treatment, he can sit, stand and walk a bit. He has shows very tremendous improvement day by day. He can run, very well in talking and he has stop crying.

Now he is totally different than the day he undergone the Neuro Acupuncture and Brain powder herbs learning disability (LD), Learning disorder treatment. He is more talkative, walking, running, reading, asking and much positive behaviour coming out from him. His parents are very happy and thankful that they know Master Leong's cancure their son.

Learning Disorder with The Tole's Neuro Acupuncture and Brain powder herbs learning disability (LD, Learning disorder) treatment

It will usaully takes our special herbal brain powder to over come these Learning conditions of disabilities, and for severe cases it may need our intensive neuro acupuncture for Learning Disorder too. It may takes between 2 weeks to 2 months to over come these conditions.

Many case of kids that have been going to school but still gets 0 marks out of 100. Sometimes 5marks , 10 marks, after our 2 months of intensive Learning Disorder mostly gets 60marks to 85marks.

Please feel free to contact or email us for further details on our Learning Disorder :



Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor,
Medical Specialist Floor,
Menara KH (Menara Promet),
Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel No : +603-21418370 / +603-21451671
Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

Learning Disorder, Learning Disorder , Learning Disorder Alternative Treatment, Learning Disorder Alternative Cure, Learning Disorder Alternative Medicine, Learning Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine , Learning Disorder Remedies , Learning Disorder Medical  Centre


Intensive Learning Disorder Herbal and sending of Learning Disorder Herbal Medicine is Available to all Countries. PROCEDURE:-

Intensive Learning Disorder Herbal and sending of Herbal Medicine is Available to all Countries. PROCEDURE:-

1. E-mail to us with all your medical reports ,
2. Then we will advise you on the herbal and or come for the intensive neuro acupuncture ,
3. After we have your total conditions picture then you can bank in the money and then we will courier the herbs to you.
It will takes about 3 to 5 working days.

Then we can guide you from here with e-mail, you have to update us on your progress.


Learning Disorder, Learning Disorder , Learning Disorder Alternative Treatment, Learning Disorder Alternative Cure, Learning Disorder Alternative Medicine, Learning Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine , Learning Disorder Remedies , Learning Disorder Medical  CentreLearning Disorder, Learning Disorder , Learning Disorder Alternative Treatment, Learning Disorder Alternative Cure, Learning Disorder Alternative Medicine, Learning Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine , Learning Disorder Remedies , Learning Disorder Medical  Centre





The Tole Officially Opened by our Health Minister.
Learning Disorder, Learning Disorder , Learning Disorder Alternative Treatment, Learning Disorder Alternative Cure, Learning Disorder Alternative Medicine, Learning Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine , Learning Disorder Remedies , Learning Disorder Medical  Centre
The above picture is taken during the New Medical Centre Opening Ceremony by our Health Minister YAB Dato. Lee Kim Sai in 1993 January 31st.
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Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor, Medical Specialist Floor, Menara KH (Menara Promet), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-21418370

Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

* E-mail consultation with Master and Assistant.
Ask by e-mail

Learning Disorder, Learning Disorder , Learning Disorder Alternative Treatment, Learning Disorder Alternative Cure, Learning Disorder Alternative Medicine, Learning Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine , Learning Disorder Remedies , Learning Disorder Medical  Centre