ADD Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Treatment, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Medicine, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Remedies Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Medical Treatment Cure Centre
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Treatment, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Medicine, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Remedies Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Medical Treatment Cure Centre
Neuro Acupuncture and Ancestral Formula Chinese Herbal Medicine
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Abdominal Pain (lower) in Women
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Aspergers Syndrome
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Autism and Brain Related
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Brain
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Brain Memory and Forgetfulness
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Brain-Special Kids
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre The Tole's Chinese Herbal Medicine
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Herbal Medicine
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Hydrocephalus
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Hyperactive Behaviour Special Kids
Impotence Cure, Impotence alternative herbs, Impotence alternative herbal, Impotence alternative medicine, Impotence alternative acupuncture, Impotence alternative medicine, Impotence alternative , Impotence alternative Medical Centre Impotence
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Knee Injuries
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Menopause (Man) - Androgen Deficiency and PADAM
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Menopause (Women)
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Menstruation (Heavy Periods/Painful)
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Neck Pain
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Stress
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Women Beauty
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Women Period Pain



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Tratamiento a base de hierbas
La acupuntura Tole es un centro de Medicina China ubicado en Kuala Lumpur, Malasia. Nuestro centro ofrece tratamientos de acupuntura y hierbas para enfermedades. Con las hierbas de tratamiento altamente efectivas, ofrecemos atención médica especializada integral y de alta calidad para niños con autismo, cerebro, cánceres, sistema nervioso, sistema inmunológico, sistema muscular y muchas enfermedades relacionadas.

Esta habilidad única de acupuntura se establece con prácticas que provienen de una línea Leong de médicos familiares chinos. Durante cuatro generaciones y más de 140 años de práctica en el barrio chino de Kuala Lumpur.

Fórmula ancestral de Thetole
Hay muchas hierbas medicinales en cualquier fórmula. Todas las fórmulas son fórmulas ancestrales y especialmente investigadas por el Maestro y las tres generaciones de descendientes de Tole que lo precedieron. Todas las fórmulas han sido probadas para determinar su eficacia.



Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor,
Medical Specialist Floor,
Menara KH (Menara Promet),
Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel No : +603-21418370 / +603-21451671
Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284











The Tole Officially Opened by our Health Minister.
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Treatment, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Medicine, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Remedies Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Medical Treatment Cure Centre
The above picture is taken during the New Medical Centre Opening Ceremony by our Health Minister YAB Dato. Lee Kim Sai in 1993 January 31st.
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Contact Us


Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor, Medical Specialist Floor, Menara KH (Menara Promet), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-21418370

Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

* E-mail consultation with Master and Assistant.
Ask by e-mail

ADD Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Treatment, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Alternative Medicine, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Remedies Treatment Cure, ADD Attention Deficit Disorder Medical Treatment Cure Centre