Brain Coma, Brain Coma , Brain Coma Alternative Treatment, Brain Coma Alternative Cure, Brain Coma Alternative Medicine, Brain Coma Herbal Herbs Medicine , Brain Coma Remedies , Brain Coma Medical  Centre
Brain Coma, Brain Coma , Brain Coma Alternative Treatment, Brain Coma Alternative Cure, Brain Coma Alternative Medicine, Brain Coma Herbal Herbs Medicine , Brain Coma Remedies , Brain Coma Medical  Centre
Neuro Acupuncture and Ancestral Formula Chinese Herbal Medicine
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Abdominal Pain (lower) in Women
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Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Autism and Brain Related
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Brain
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Brain Memory and Forgetfulness
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Brain-Special Kids
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre The Tole's Chinese Herbal Medicine
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Herbal Medicine
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Hydrocephalus
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Hyperactive Behaviour Special Kids
Impotence Cure, Impotence alternative herbs, Impotence alternative herbal, Impotence alternative medicine, Impotence alternative acupuncture, Impotence alternative medicine, Impotence alternative , Impotence alternative Medical Centre Impotence
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Knee Injuries
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Menopause (Man) - Androgen Deficiency and PADAM
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Menopause (Women)
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Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Neck Pain
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Stress
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Women Beauty
Alopecia, Androgenetic Alopecia , Alopecia Alternative Treatment, Alopecia Alternative Cure, Alopecia Alternative Medicine, Alopecia Herbal Herbs Medicine , Alopecia Remedies , AlopeciaC Medical  Centre Women Period Pain



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Coma (Brain Damage or Brain Dead)

Brain Coma was caused by lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain. This resulting the overall of brain's function are not functioning properly and smoothly. Generally, the brain which was not functioning cannot be recovered and lead to brain coma. Some patients, they will suffer from brain coma before their heartbeat completely stop.

The causes that can lead to brain coma are:

- Experience a severe brain hemorrhage spontaneously.

- Involved in brain injury that causing brain swelling.

- Stroke / severe stroke or acute.

- Brain cells are exposed to an infection that causing swelling of the brain.


Please feel free to contact or email us for further details at :


Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor,
Medical Specialist Floor,
Menara KH (Menara Promet),
Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel No : +603-21418370 / +603-21451671
Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

Acupuncture Time :
Operating Hours :
Monday to Friday : 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
Tuesday : 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Saturday : 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday : 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
*(Malaysia Time)


Alternative , Neuro Acupuncture , Herbs Medicine , Alterntive Medical Centre Remedies

Malaysia Alternative Acupuncture Herbal Medicine  Clinic Centre



The Tole Officially Opened by our Health Minister.
Brain Coma, Brain Coma , Brain Coma Alternative Treatment, Brain Coma Alternative Cure, Brain Coma Alternative Medicine, Brain Coma Herbal Herbs Medicine , Brain Coma Remedies , Brain Coma Medical  Centre
The above picture is taken during the New Medical Centre Opening Ceremony by our Health Minister YAB Dato. Lee Kim Sai in 1993 January 31st.
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Contact Us


Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor, Medical Specialist Floor, Menara KH (Menara Promet), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-21418370

Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

* E-mail consultation with Master and Assistant.
Ask by e-mail

Brain Coma, Brain Coma , Brain Coma Alternative Treatment, Brain Coma Alternative Cure, Brain Coma Alternative Medicine, Brain Coma Herbal Herbs Medicine , Brain Coma Remedies , Brain Coma Medical  Centre