High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol , High Cholesterol Alternative Treatment, High Cholesterol Alternative Cure, High Cholesterol Alternative Medicine, High Cholesterol Herbal Herbs Medicine , High Cholesterol Remedies , High Cholesterol Medical  Centre
High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol , High Cholesterol Alternative Treatment, High Cholesterol Alternative Cure, High Cholesterol Alternative Medicine, High Cholesterol Herbal Herbs Medicine , High Cholesterol Remedies , High Cholesterol Medical  Centre
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Dato' Master LEONG HONG TOLE (D.S.T.M) (The Fourth Generation Acupuncturist and Chinese Physician - High Cholesterol )
High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol , High Cholesterol Alternative Treatment, High Cholesterol Alternative Cure, High Cholesterol Alternative Medicine, High Cholesterol Herbal Herbs Medicine , High Cholesterol Remedies , High Cholesterol Medical  Centre  

The Tole' High Cholesterol Herbal Medicine

- High Cholesterol Level (Hypercholesterolemia)


High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) -

Cholesterol is one of the body's fats (lipids). Cholesterol and another lipid, triglyceride, are important building blocks in the structure of cells and are also used in making hormones and producing energy. To some extent, the cholesterol level in blood depends on what you eat but it is mainly dependent on how the body makes cholesterol in the liver. The Qi lever in your Liver and Kidneys.

Having too much cholesterol in the blood is not a disease in itself, but can lead to the hardening and narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) in the major vascular systems.

For the sake of simplicity, there are two sorts of cholesterol: a 'good' sort called high density lipoprotein (HDL) and a 'bad' sort called low density lipoprotein (LDL).

HDL has a useful effect in reducing tissue cholesterol and taking it back to the liver. HDL actually protects against atherosclerosis. LDL may contribute to diseases of the arteries (cardiovascular disease).

The proportion of LDL-cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol that influences the degree to which atherosclerosis is likely to cause problems (heart attack).

LDL-cholesterol level can be lowered by eating a low fat diet and, if required, taking herbal medicine . HDL-cholesterol level can be raised by exercising.

The significance of any particular cholesterol level cannot be assessed without taking into account the ratio between good and bad cholesterol (either total-cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio or LDL-cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio) or the presence of other cardiovascular risks, such as smoking, diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension). It is possible for someone to have a high level of total cholesterol and still have a relatively low cardiovascular risk because of an absence of other risk factors or because their family history is free from coronary disease.

Anyone with an established track record of cardiovascular disease such as angina pectoris, a previous myocardial infarction, coronary angioplasty or coronary bypass surgery should seek advice to keep their Total Cholesterol level below 5.2mmol/l or their LDL below 3.2mmol/l.

Cholesterol levels can run in families. If the inherited cholesterol levels are very high, this is called familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) or familial combined hyperlipidaemia (FCH) where the triglyceride levels are very high as well. Levels can also be influenced by the part of the world you live in: cholesterol levels in northern European countries are higher than in southern Europe and much higher than in Asia. It is known that the relationship to food is significant, but there is no doubt that genes also play a part. High cholesterol is also seen in connection with other diseases, such as reduced metabolism (due to thyroid hormone problems, for example), kidney diseases, diabetes and alcoholic's.

Symptoms of high cholesterol in the bloodstream - High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) -

High level of cholesterol in conjunction with other adverse factors increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

Atherosclerosis resulting in narrowing of the arteries. This does not occur suddenly, but builds up over many years during which cholesterol and fat have been deposited in the artery walls. The result is that the arteries become constricted and hardened, their elasticity disappears and the volume of blood able to travel through them is reduced.

The symptoms are therefore the consequences of cardiovascular disease. They depend on the degree of narrowing, may cause ruptures , and also the organ supplied by the affected arteries.

In the brain, an atherosclerotic carotid or cerebral (brain) artery might block with clotted blood (thrombus) or a smaller intracerebral vessel may rupture causing a local hemorrhage. Both these circumstances result in a stroke ( Choong Fung).

In the heart, narrowed coronary arteries cause angina, and ruptured plaques cause coronary thrombosis (myocardial infarct), which may lead to reduced heart function (heart failure) if a significant amount of heart muscle is damaged. The obstruction of Qi in the Heart.

Carotid arteries in the neck can become narrowed and may lead to clots forming in the neck and floating downstream into the brain, causing a stroke (CVA) or recurrent temporary strokes (transient ischemic attacks, also known as TIAs).

Leg pain on exertion can be experienced due to atherosclerosis in the arteries that supply the lower limbs (intermittent claudicating). If a major peripheral vessel to a lower limb blocks suddenly, an acutely ischemic leg will occur which may be limb-threatening. In the worst cases of chronic lower limb atherosclerosis, this can lead to a leg so starved of blood that it cannot survive and requires amputation. Which could be cured by THE TOLE'S High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) - Medicine in a very short course of High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) - .

Commonly for some people affected to have the disease in several arteries throughout their circulation including the aorta (the main artery in the chest and abdomen, the renal (kidney) arteries and the mesenteric (intestinal) vessels.


High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia)

It will takes between 10 days to 2 months of intensive treatment to clear up the high unwanted cholesterol and to restore your body conditions. It has shown with our past result that it can be done even just with our special herbal medicine and your dieting. You can start by sending e-mail to us on your medical reports and blood test reading then we can send you the tailor made herbal medicine for your recovery.
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) - High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) -

Familial hypercholesterolemia is - raised cholesterol levels in the blood - hypercholesterolemia - are generally caused by a poor diet and lifestyle in combination with the way an individual produces cholesterol in their liver. You Liver's Qi is low and need to be restore with THE TOLE'S WAY OD MEDICATIONS.

In some individuals (1 in 500 of the population), the high cholesterol level in the blood is caused by a specific genetic defect. People with inherited or familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) are lacking in the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors that remove cholesterol from the bloodstream.

Raised cholesterol level in the blood is present from birth and it leads to an early development of atherosclerosis and vascular diseases. The disease is transmitted from generation to generation in such a way that children of a person with FH have a 50 per cent risk of getting FH. The disease does not skip generations which means that children and grandchildren of family members who do not have a defective gene are therefore not at risk from FH. BUT there is a way to reduce the change of getting a FH kid by taking our special "FH herbal medicine " .

The ailment is mostly treated with special herbal medicines and special diets. Treatment with genetic manipulation is still at the experimental stage.


Symptoms of FH-Familial hypercholesterolemia -

People with FH -Familial hypercholesterolemia cannot feel that they have a raised cholesterol level, but they might have symptoms of cardiovascular disease, which develops as a result of the narrowing of the arteries.

The symptoms can include:
pressing, crushing pain behind the breastbone, possibly radiating to the arm or to the neck, associated with physical exertion or cold (angina pectoris).
if the symptoms become more severe and sustained it may be a sign of an acute coronary thrombosis (heart attack).
The development of atherosclerosis begins in childhood and can be compared to calcium deposits in a water pipe. Gradually, the opening gets smaller and smaller, the inner surface becomes more irregular, the blood can no longer flow freely, leading to symptoms.

When the blood supply to the tissue stops, the tissue dies. This means that if a blood clot is situated in one of the vessels of the heart (the coronary arteries), the area of the heart muscle supplied by that vessel is injured irreversibly. Scar tissue forms and the heart is left weakened.

Why do you get raised cholesterol? Hereditary , food and environmental factors affect the cholesterol level. Today we know of several hereditary disorders that cause significantly raised LDL-cholesterol.

The cholesterol level in northern European countries is higher than in southern Europe and much higher than in Asia. We know that diet is a major factor but there is no doubt that genes also play a part.

Raised blood cholesterol can also be a feature of the following diseases:
hypothyroidism (under active thyroid gland)
kidney diseases
alcohol abuse.

The progress of FH -Familial hypercholesterolemia varies greatly. However, in a particular family it tends to follow a similar pattern.

The risk of a fatal heart attack before the age of 40 is significantly higher in those with FH than among the general population.

Research shows that 50 per cent of men and 40 per cent of women with FH have had a blood clot in the coronary arteries before the age of 60.

About one third of patients with FH show no symptoms until sudden cardiac death.


High cholesterol level by THE TOLE'S Hypercholesterolemia Medicine .

The intensive treatment will need 2 weeks per course of Neuro Acupuncture High Cholesterol Level and special Tole's Cholesterol herbal medicine and dieting.
For herbal medicine treatment alone you may need 60 days or more to get you out of the serious symptom for most patients.

For people who just has high cholesterol recently ( less then 1 year) the special TOLE'S Cholesterol herbal medicine can cure in 60 days treatment the research has shown up to 95% completely cured and 10% needs another 30 days of the special herbal medicine.

There are in 2 different form , one in dry herbs that you have to boiled and the second one is in powder form you can take it twice a day, anytime.

The herbs will eliminates all those bad cholesterol from your blood , increase your blood flow and strengthen your spleen and kidney's conditions. All of these can be achieved in 60 days of our Special Cholesterol Herbal Medicine of THE TOLE.

When you want to order please give the following details: 1. Age, Sex, Locations, Daily routine work.
2. Medical History,
3. Daily food intake (types),
4 Height , weight and cholesterol report or medical report readings.

Please feel free to contact or email us for further details at :

Please feel free to contact or email us for further details on our High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) :



Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor,
Medical Specialist Floor,
Menara KH (Menara Promet),
Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel No : +603-21418370 / +603-21451671
Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

Contact E Herbs Treatment A-Z of The Tole Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Medical Centre


Intensive High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) Herbal and sending of High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) Herbal Medicine is Available to all Countries. PROCEDURE:-

Intensive High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) Herbal Treatment and sending of High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) Herbal Medicine is Available to all Countries. PROCEDURE:-

1. E-mail to us with all your medical reports ,
2. Then we will advise you on the High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) herbal medicine and or come for the intensive Neuro acupuncture High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) ,
3. After we have your total conditions picture then you can bank in the money and then we will courier the High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolemia) herbs medicine to you.
It will takes about 3 to 5 working days.

Then we can guide you from here with e-mail, you have to update us on your progress.


High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol , High Cholesterol Alternative Treatment, High Cholesterol Alternative Cure, High Cholesterol Alternative Medicine, High Cholesterol Herbal Herbs Medicine , High Cholesterol Remedies , High Cholesterol Medical  CentreHigh Cholesterol, High Cholesterol , High Cholesterol Alternative Treatment, High Cholesterol Alternative Cure, High Cholesterol Alternative Medicine, High Cholesterol Herbal Herbs Medicine , High Cholesterol Remedies , High Cholesterol Medical  Centre

The Tole Officially Opened by our Health Minister.
High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol , High Cholesterol Alternative Treatment, High Cholesterol Alternative Cure, High Cholesterol Alternative Medicine, High Cholesterol Herbal Herbs Medicine , High Cholesterol Remedies , High Cholesterol Medical  Centre
The above picture is taken during the New Medical Centre Opening Ceremony by our Health Minister YAB Dato. Lee Kim Sai in 1993 January 31st.
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Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor, Medical Specialist Floor, Menara KH (Menara Promet), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-21418370

Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

* E-mail consultation with Master and Assistant.
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High Cholesterol, High Cholesterol , High Cholesterol Alternative Treatment, High Cholesterol Alternative Cure, High Cholesterol Alternative Medicine, High Cholesterol Herbal Herbs Medicine , High Cholesterol Remedies , High Cholesterol Medical  Centre