Bell Palsy, Facial Paralysis , Bell Palsy Alternative Treatment, Bell Palsy Alternative Cure, Facial Paralysis Alternative Medicine, Bell Palsy Herbal Herbs Medicine , Bell Palsy Remedies , Bell Palsy Medical  Centre
Bell Palsy, Facial Paralysis , Bell Palsy Alternative Treatment, Bell Palsy Alternative Cure, Facial Paralysis Alternative Medicine, Bell Palsy Herbal Herbs Medicine , Bell Palsy Remedies , Bell Palsy Medical  Centre
Neuro Acupuncture and Ancestral Formula Chinese Herbal Medicine
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What is Bell Palsy Syndrome?
Bell Palsy is a facial paralysis that occurs because of the dysfunction of facial nerves. This was resulting the sufferer is unable to control their facial muscles on the affected side. There are about 25/100 000 person develop Bell Palsy per year. It will increase a little with age and a little higher incidence in the winter. Bell palsy can attack both gender. There are only small differences in rates among genders and races.
Bell Palsy Symptoms

There are many physical symptoms related to facial paralysis but the affects are differs between person. They are different according to the location and the level of the damages.

General Symptoms

  • Muscles paralysis or weakness.
  • Swelling on the face (affected area).
  • Difficult to speak.
  • Difficult to eat and drink.
  • Wrinkles on the forehead disappear.
  • Decrease sense of taste.
  • Hard or cannot blinking the eye.
  • Feel pain near or in the ear.
  • Drooling.
  • Excessive or less saliva producing.
  • Appear droopy overall.
  • Having sensitivity to sound.
  • Always suffer from running nose.
  • Nose stuffed constantly.

Symptoms related to Eye

  • Drooping eyebrows
  • Very sensitive to light.
  • Lower eyelid drooping.
  • Lack or excessive of tears.
  • Difficult to close the eye.
  • Tears cannot coat the cornea.

Vestige Effects

  • Eye blinks inappropriate.
  • Tearing becomes abnormal.
  • Eyes will appear smaller.
  • Having sinus problem.
  • Non-symmetrical when smiling.
  • Always sweating while eating.
  • May suffer from running nose during physical exertion.
  • Muscles will become mushy when tired.
  • Muscles will become stiffed during cold.
Bell Palsy Causes

The actual causes of bell palsy still cannot be detected yet. As people thought, bell palsy occurs because of herpes simplex virus infections. However, there are a lot of possibilities that lead to bell palsy such as HIV infection, diabetes, sarcoid, and various cancers.

Besides that, CNS disorder, neoplasm, infectious disease (Lyme disease) and trauma also may cause bell palsy. Moreover, other viruses that believed as bell palsy’s causes are Epstein-Barr which is causes mononucleosis and also cytomegalovirus.

Please feel free to contact or email us for further details at :


Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor,
Medical Specialist Floor,
Menara KH (Menara Promet),
Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel No : +603-21418370 / +603-21451671
Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

Acupuncture Time :
Operating Hours :
Monday to Friday : 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
Tuesday : 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Saturday : 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday : 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
*(Malaysia Time)


Alternative , Neuro Acupuncture , Herbs Medicine , Alterntive Medical Centre Remedies

Malaysia Alternative Acupuncture Herbal Medicine  Clinic Centre

The Tole Officially Opened by our Health Minister.
Bell Palsy, Facial Paralysis , Bell Palsy Alternative Treatment, Bell Palsy Alternative Cure, Facial Paralysis Alternative Medicine, Bell Palsy Herbal Herbs Medicine , Bell Palsy Remedies , Bell Palsy Medical  Centre
The above picture is taken during the New Medical Centre Opening Ceremony by our Health Minister YAB Dato. Lee Kim Sai in 1993 January 31st.
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Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor, Medical Specialist Floor, Menara KH (Menara Promet), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-21418370

Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

* E-mail consultation with Master and Assistant.
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Bell Palsy, Facial Paralysis , Bell Palsy Alternative Treatment, Bell Palsy Alternative Cure, Facial Paralysis Alternative Medicine, Bell Palsy Herbal Herbs Medicine , Bell Palsy Remedies , Bell Palsy Medical  Centre