Chinese herbal medicine is a science and art dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, and cure of disease. Chinese herbal medicine emphasizes the important balance inside the body. If the important balance has been broke disorder and disease tend to follow, rebuilding balance with different herbs is the way to cure disease. In fact, Chinese herbal medicine is in an advantageous position to cure disease especially stubborn disease what we have not known enough about.
Chinese Herbal Medicine has been used successfully for centuries in China to create radiant health and well being. Chinese knowledge of herbs dates back to 5,000 years ago when Shen Nung's Herbology of Chinese Medicine was compiled. Chinese herbal medicine is made up of flowers, seeds, fruits, leaves, branches, roots, bark, mineral and animal. It is important to use herbs grown in China rather than outside of their native environment in order to get the full benefit.
(EHM) E-Herbal Medicine is designed to introduce you to Chinese Herbal Medical Theory. In (EHM) E-Herbal Medicine course, it has provided 300 more over Chinese Herbal Medicine Theory for you to study.
(EHM) E-Herbal Medicine online course details :
- The course will be lecture six months.
- After complete the course you have to take an Online Examination.
- Your Certificate will be awarded upon passing the exam.
- If you don’t pass the examination, you have to take once again for a Examination fees of 80 USD.
- Total costs for the six-month (EHM) E-Herbal Medicine e-programme is 1,550 USD.
- Any enquiry or problem during the course you can directly go though our online tutorial chat room.