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Skin Diseases
Acupuncture Treatment and Herbal Medicine Cure
Skin Disease Types

Skin diseases and disorders are very common health problem that every people may get at some point of their life. Skin disease can be divided into many categories. This is because every people do not have same skin type. Some of them are harmful and some are very serious until can cause organ malfunction or death. So, you need to take care of yourself hygiene and eat healthily.

Below are some types of skin disease that usually attack people:

  • Viral Skin Problems – This type of skin disease is caused by virus and it is temporary. But, if it is left untreated, it can lead to scar. Examples of viral skin problems are measles, warts, chicken pox, herpes simplex virus type 1 & 2, and shingles.
  • Fungal Infection – This type of skin problem occur because of microscopic fungi. The fungi will living on our dead skin cells and most of the time they are harmless. Even though it is harmless, the fungi will cause itchiness and making the sufferer feel not comfortable. Everything that had contact with fungus like towels, socks, sheets, or other clothing must be washed and disinfected first before it can be used again. Examples of fungal infection skin disease are ringworm, yeast infections and athlete’s foot.
  • Bacterial Skin Disease – Most of this kind of skin disease are caused by staphylococci or staph bacteria. It lives on human and can be transmitted through human contact. About 40% of human are the carrier of the bacteria. Examples of bacterial skin disease are Folliculitis (Barber's Itch), atopic dermatitis, cellulitis, erythrasma, and carbuncle.
  • Inflammatory Disorders – This type of skin disease is the most common among the people. It will cause swelling, redness, lesions, blistering and raised plagues on the skin. The most well-known skin problem in this category is acne. Besides that, eczema, diaper rash, sebaceous cyst and also psoriasis fall into this category.
  • Chicken Pox – People who suffer from chicken pox need a series of vaccinations. This is because to prevent the virus recur and then lead to shingles. The symptom of the chicken pox is there are red blisters that cause itching.
  • Impetigo – This skin problem commonly found in children. It is highly contagious and spread easily. Children who have impetigo may suffer with round, crusting, and often oozing spots that will grow larger day by day. Impetigo often appears without any warning.
  • Candida – Candida often occurs in the genital area and under the armpits because it favors warm and moist area. It makes the skin become inflamed and itches. It also develops red rashes or lesions. However, it can be treated with medications. This is because Candida is a fungal infections disease.
  • Skin Cancer – This problem caused by the exposure to the light rays from the sun. Tanning the beds also may be the cause of skin cancer. There are three major categories that fall into this type of skin problem: melanoma, basal cell cancer, and squamous cell carcinoma. Skin cancer can completely curable if being detected early. The cancers present themselves as moles or lesions which change color and shape. The basal cell cancer is the most diagnosed skin cancer and it spread slowly while melanoma is the most dangerous skin cancer that can cause death. It can spread to other part of the body through lymph system or blood.
  • Necrotizing Fasciitis – This type of skin disease also occur because of staph bacteria, but it will turn worse and causing necrotizing fasciitis when the staph bacteria become antibiotic resistant. Other name for this disease is flesh-eating disease. This is because there are staph bacterial infection in the deeper layers of skin and subcutaneous tissue. It is easily spreading across the fascial plain within the subcutaneous tissue. Thus, doctors always stressing every people to prevent themselves from contracting with the staph bacteria first.
  • Psoriasis – Psoriasis falls into an inflammatory disease category. It looks like raised red plaques on the skin which covered by white thick scales. It is an autoimmune disease that not-contagious. People between 15 – 40 years old often getting this skin disease. Some people assume that this skin disease is hereditary but the exact causes of psoriasis still not known.
Skin Cancer Risk Factors

Nowadays, there are many risk factors of skin cancer that we need to face. Both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer shared the same risk factors which are:

  • Excessive exposure or/and unprotected skin to UV (ultraviolet) radiation.
  • Exposure to arsenic compounds, coal tar, radium, creosote, or pitch.
  • Have light complexion such as blue or green eyes; skin burns easily; fair or red hair; freckles and does not tan.
  • Has a history of sunburn in early life.
  • Has a large number of moles or certain types of moles.
  • Have personal or family history of skin cancer.
  • Someone that has weak immune system.
  • Increasing age.

If you know someone around you who is in high risk of getting skin cancer, you can tell them to lower the risk by:

  • Avoiding the direct sunlight for a long period of time (between 10am – 4pm).
  • Covering the body with protective comfortable clothing that made from tightly woven fabrics when going out in the sun.
  • Using sunscreen and lip balm that contains SPF (sun protection factor) 15 or higher.
  • Covering the head with wide-brimmed hat that shading the ears, face and neck.
  • Looking for shade especially in the middle of the day.
  • Wearing the sunglasses with 99% to 100% of UV absorption to protect the eyes and the surrounding skin from the strong sunlight.
  • Avoiding the other source of UV light such as tanning the beds and sun lamps because they can damage the skin.
Skin Disease Prevention

Skin disease or skin problem is the most dreaded disease by all people. It can make a person looks hideous and unattractive. Most of skin disease will leave scars after recovery. So, prevention is more important than cure. To prevent the skin problem or skin disease, there are some steps that we need to take such as:

  • Always cleaning your face gently.
    • No matter what type of skin you have - oily, dry, balanced or combination. Cleaning is a must for everyone.
    • To protect from bacterial infection, you must remove your makeup and use lukewarm water. Do not use very hot water because this will dry out your skin.
    • Avoid using strong soaps and irritating additives. This can leave your skin dry and may possibly trigger an allergic response or irritate.  
    • Using hands is better instead of using washcloth because washcloth may abrasive the skin.
    • Pat dry your face using soft cotton towel after rinsing.
  • Take your shower at least once a day.
    • Bath is an essential to good hygiene but when you take your shower, it will remove the natural oils from your skin.
    • Limit your bath time and use warm water. Hot water and long period of bath may cause your skin to dry. Limit your bath time at about 15 minutes or less.
    • Choose mild soap or shower cream. This will help moisturize your skin.
    • After bathing, gently pat dry your body and immediately put some moisturizing oil or cream onto your skin.
  • The most important step is maintaining healthy lifestyle.
    • You must eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water to avoid your skin from dehydrated.
    • Always do some exercises so that can improve your blood circulation and skin’s tome and color.
    • Ensure that you have enough and quality sleep. Lack of sleep may cause your skin sallow, puffy and lackluster.
    • If you are smoking, please quit! This is because smoking may cause your skin look older than your actual age.
    • Avoid using talc powder because it may support yeast growth.

Please feel free to contact or email us for further details at :


Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor,
Medical Specialist Floor,
Menara KH (Menara Promet),
Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.

Tel No : +603-21418370 / +603-21451671
Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

Acupuncture Time :
Operating Hours :
Monday : 10AM - 6PM
Tuesday : 1PM - 7PM
Wednesday to Saturday : 10AM - 7PM
Sunday : 12PM - 4PM
*(Malaysia Time)


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The Tole's Opening Ceremony
Our New Acupuncture Centre was officially open by our Health Minister YAB Dato' Lee Kim Sai on 31st January 1993.
Our New Acupuncture Treatment and Herbal Medical Treatment Centre
YAB Dato' Lee Kim Sai and Dato' Leong Hong Tole (D.S.T.M) - [World Known as MasterTole]
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The Star News
The Star newspaper report on our Chinese Master's  acupuncture treatment and herbal medical treatment
The Star Newspaper report on Our Master's Acupuncture and Herbal TCM on 5th February 2011, Saturday.
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We are one of the suppliers for Sabah Snake Grass herbs and also others Chinese herbs.
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The Tole Lower Abdominal Pain Cure with Master Leong's Herbal Treatment and Acupuncture TreatmentThe Tole Officially Opened by our Health Minister.
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Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor, Medical Specialist Floor, Menara KH (Menara Promet), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-21418370

Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

Acupuncture Time :
Operating Hours :
Mon : 10AM - 6PM
Tue : 1PM - 7PM
Wed to Sat : 10AM - 7PM
Sun : 12PM - 4PM
*(Malaysia Time)

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