Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used systems of healing in the world. Originating in China some 5,000 years ago in the last three decades has it become popular in the whole world. And now, The Tole Acupuncture-Herbal Medical Centre is one of the oldest and well-known acupuncture centre in Malaysia.
Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles, ( sometimes in conjunction with electrical stimulus ), on the body's surface, in order to influence physiological functioning of the body.
The science of Acupuncture is a subject dealing with the prevention and treatment of diseases. It is done by needling, moxibustion, hands and finger acupressure. For thousands of years it has been accepted by the general population for its good curative effect.
Acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine are important components of chinese historical culture. And there are parts of the discipline of THE TOLE's ancestors' up bringing. As early as the new stone age in China, the primitive humans use stone as the earliest acupuncture instrument to treat diseases. With the development of the productive forces, bone needles and bamboo needles were introduced. After the development of metal casting techniques and metal tools, the people began to use metal medical needles, such as bronze, iron, gold and silver.
THE TOLE has set programs to promote development of acupuncture and herbal medicine online Course. In order to achieve a high standard of practice, we have special courses designed for physicians and matured students.
(EBA) E-Body Acupuncture online course details :
- The course will be lecture six months.
- After complete the course you have to take an Online Examination.
- Your Certificate will be awarded upon passing the exam.
- If you don’t pass the examination, you have to take once again for a Examination fees of 80 USD.
- Total costs for the six-month (EBA) E-Body Acupuncture is 1,200 USD.
- Any enquiry or problem during the course you can directly go though our online tutorial chat room.