Herbal and Acupuncture Treatment in The Tole Acupuncture Treatment And Herbal Treatment Company Logo
E-Herbs Treatment Cure of The Tole Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure A-Z
CP Cerebral Palsy Cure with The Tole Acupuncture Treatment And Herbal Treatment title 01
Neuro Acupuncture and Ancestral Formula Chinese Herbal Medicine
CP Cerebral Palsy Cure with The Tole Acupuncture Treatment And Herbal Treatment title 02
Abdominal Pain, Women Pain Medicine Treatment, Abdominal Pain Cure, Women Pain Neuro Acupuncture Treatment, Lower Abdominal Pain, Women Pain Herbal Medicine Treatment, Abdominal Stomach Pain, Women Pain Treatment Medical Centre Abdominal Pain (lower) in Women
Acupuncture Cure, Acupuncture Treatment, Acupuncture Alternative Treatment, Acupuncture Alternative Cure, Acupuncture Alternative Medicine, Acupuncture Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Acupuncture Remedies Treatment Cure, Acupuncture Medical Treatment Cure Centre Acupuncture
Asperger's Syndrome Cure, Asperger's Syndrome Alternative Herbal Treatment, Asperger's Syndrome Alternative Acupuncture Cure, Asperger's Syndrome Alternative Medicine, Asperger's Syndrome Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Asperger's Syndrome Remedies Treatment Cure, Asperger's Syndrome Medical Treatment Cure Centre Aspergers Syndrome
Autism Cure, Autism Herbal Treatment, Autism Alternative Treatment, Autism Alternative Acupuncture Cure, Autism Alternative Medicine, Autism Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Autism Remedies Treatment Cure, Autism Medical Treatment Cure Centre Autism and Brain Related
Autism Cure, Autism Herbal Treatment, Autism Alternative Treatment, Autism Alternative Acupuncture Cure, Autism Alternative Medicine, Autism Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Autism Remedies Treatment Cure, Autism Medical Treatment Cure Centre Autism
Brain Cure, Brain Herbal Treatment, Brain Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Brain Alternative Cure, Brain Alternative Medicine, Brain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Brain Remedies Treatment Cure, Brain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Brain
Brain Injury Cure, Brain Injury Herbal Treatment, Brain Injury Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Brain Injury Alternative Cure, Brain Injury Alternative Medicine, Brain Injury Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Brain Injury Remedies Treatment Cure, Brain Injury Medical Treatment Cure Centre Brain Injury
Brain Memory Lost Cure, Loss Memory Herbal Treatment, Brain Memory Lost Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Brain Memory Lost Alternative Cure, Brain Memory Lost Alternative Medicine, Brain Memory Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Brain Memory Remedies Treatment Cure, Brain Memory Lost Medical Treatment Cure Centre Brain Memory and Forgetfulness
Brain Special Kids Cure, Brain Special Kids Herbal Treatment, Brain Special Kids Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Brain Special Kids Alternative Cure, Brain Special Kids Alternative Medicine, Brain Special Kids Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Brain Special Kids Remedies Treatment Cure, Brain Special Kids Medical Treatment Cure Centre Brain-Special Kids
Chinese Herbal Medicine Cure, Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Treatment, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Cure, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Medicine, Chinese Herbal Medicine Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Chinese Herbal Medicine Remedies Treatment Cure, Chinese Herbal Medicine Medical Treatment Cure Centre The Tole's Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicine Cure centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Treatment centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Alternative Cure centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine centre, Alternative Medicine centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Remedies Treatment Cure centre, Chinese Herbal Medicine Medical Treatment Cure Centre Centre
D-Dimer Cure, D-Dimer Herbs Treatment, D-Dimer Alternative Treatment, D-Dimer Alternative Cure, Neuro Acupuncture D-Dimer Treatment Cure, D-Dimer Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, D-Dimer Remedies Treatment Cure, D-Dimer Medical Treatment Cure Centre D-Dimer
Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure, Herbal Medicine Alternative Treatment, Herbal Medicine Alternative Cure, Herbal Medicine Alternative Medicine, Herbal Medicine Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Herbal Medicine Remedies Treatment Cure, Herbal Medicine Medical Treatment Cure Centre Herbal Medicine
Herbs Treatment Cure, Herbs Alternative Treatment, Herbs Alternative Cure, Herbs Alternative Medicine, Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Herbs Remedies Treatment Cure, Herbs Medical Treatment Cure Centre Herbs
Hyperactive Behavior Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Herbs Treatment Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Alternative Acupuncture Treatment Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Alternative Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Alternative Medicine, Hyperactive Behavior Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Remedies Treatment Cure, Hyperactive Behavior Medical Treatment Cure Centre Hyperactive Behaviour Special Kids
Impotence Cure, Impotence Herbs Treatment Cure, Impotence Alternative Treatment, Man Impotence Alternative Acupuncture Treatment Cure, Impotence Alternative Medicine, Impotence Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Impotence Remedies Treatment Cure, Impotence Medical Treatment Cure Centre Man's Energy (Power)
Knee Injuries Cure, Knee Injuries herbs Treatment Cure, Knee Injuries Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Knee Injuries Alternative Cure, Knee Injuries Alternative Medicine, Knee Injuries Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Knee Injuries Remedies Treatment Cure, Knee Injuries Medical Treatment Cure Centre Knee Injuries
KL Cure, KL herbs Treatment Cure, KL Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, KL Alternative Cure, KL Alternative Medicine, KL Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, KL Remedies Treatment Cure, KL Medical Treatment Cure Centre KL
Malaysia Cure, Malaysia Herbs Treatment Cure, Malaysia Alternative Treatment, Malaysia Alternative Acupuncture Treatment Cure, Malaysia Alternative Medicine, Malaysia Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Malaysia Remedies Treatment Cure, Malaysia Treatment Cure Centre Malaysia
Women Menopause Cure, Women Menopause Herbal Treatment Cure, Women Menopause Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Women Menopause Alternative Cure, Women Menopause Alternative Medicine, Women Menopause Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Women Menopause Remedies Treatment Cure, Women Menopause Medical Treatment Cure Centre Menopause (Women)
Menstruation Cure, Heavy Periods Cure, Menstruation Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Menstruation Heavy Periods Alternative Cure, Menstruation Heavy Periods Alternative Medicine, Women Menstruation Heavy Periods Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Menstruation Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Medical Treatment Cure Centre Menstruation (Heavy Periods/Painful)
Muscular Pain Cure, Muscular Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Muscular Pain Alternative Acupuncture Treatment Cure, Muscular Pain Alternative Cure, Muscular Pain Alternative Medicine, Muscular Pain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Muscular Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Muscular Pain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Muscular Pain
Neck Pain Cure, Neck Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Neck Pain Alternative Treatment, Neck Pain Alternative Cure, Neck Pain Alternative Medicine, Neck Pain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Neck Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Neck Pain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Neck Pain
Nerves Cure, Nerves Herbal Treatment Cure, Nerves Alternative Treatment, Nerves Alternative Cure, Nerves Alternative Medicine, Nerves Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Nerves Remedies Treatment Cure, Nerves Medical Treatment Cure Centre Nerves
Nerve Pain Cure, Nerve Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Nerve Pain Alternative Treatment, Nerve Pain Alternative Cure, Nerve Pain Alternative Medicine, Nerve Pain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Nerve Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Nerve Pain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Nerve Pain
News Cure, News Herbal Treatment Cure, News Alternative Treatment, News Alternative Cure, News Alternative Medicine, News Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, News Remedies Treatment Cure, News Medical Treatment Cure Centre News
Pain Cure, Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Pain Alternative Treatment, Pain Alternative Cure, Pain Alternative Medicine, Pain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Pain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Pain
Stress Cure, Stress Herbs Treatment Cure, Stress Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Stress Alternative Cure, Stress Alternative Medicine, Stress Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Stress Remedies Treatment Cure, Stress Medical Treatment Cure Centre Stress
Treatment, Treatment Cure, Alternative Treatment,  Alternative Treatment Cure, Alternative Treatment Medicine, Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Remedies Treatment Cure, Medical Treatment Cure Centre Therapy
Women Beatty Treatment, Women Beatty Herbal Treatment, Women Beatty Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Women Beatty Alternative Cure, Women Beatty Alternative Medicine, Women Beatty Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Women Beatty Remedies Treatment Cure, Women Beatty Medical Treatment Cure Centre Women Beauty
Women Period Pain Cure, Women Period Pain Herbal Treatment Cure, Women Period Pain Alternative Acupuncture Treatment, Women Period Pain Alternative Cure, Women Period Pain Alternative Medicine, Women Period Pain Herbal Herbs Medicine Treatment Cure, Women Period Pain Remedies Treatment Cure, Women Period Pain Medical Treatment Cure Centre Women Period Pain
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Do You Know The Tole?


Do you know that more than 160 COUNTRIES people has flown from all over the world seeking The Tole for treatment? 


Do you know that The Tole have cured many incurable disease such as CANCER in the past 21 years of operation? 


Do you know among all diseases listed in www.thetole.org, The Tole is specialize in SPECIAL KIDS’ disorder treatment with The Tole's Neuro Acupuncture treatment?


There are so many patients has witness the miracle in the TheTole and we are features in TV, News, Magazine and even online blogpost not only by local but overseas as well before. So what do you know about The Tole?


Grab your recording device now and start telling the world what is The Tole and miracle that happened here in the form of short clips.~!







  1. Record a short video clips with maximum 5 minutes about what do you know about The Tole.

  2. Submit your video by uploading it to your personal Youtube account and email to us the video link at toleassistant@gmail.com with subject "Do You Know The Tole Video Contest" with details of,
    • Fullname
    • Email address
    • Contact Number
    • Residential Address
    • Friends whom reference you to join this contest (if applicable).

  3. We will upload it to our official Youtube's Channel for public viewing and lucky draw!

  4. Prepare to win it~!

Example Video: 



Judging Criteria: 


  1. Our judge panel consist of the world renowned Dato' Master Leong (founder of The Tole Acupuncture-Herbal Medical Centre) and also "highly creative monkeys" in The Tole’s IT department.

  2. Content must be original and we reserve the right to penalize any entry if plagiarism is found.

  3. Actor, narrator, script, filming tools and props is totally up to you.

  4. Top 10 most creative and original video will be award with our top 10 prizes.



Due to the nature of the contest, we are in the progress of topping up the contest prizes as advertise. We would like to listen to you what do you want for this contest's prizes and might consider of adopting your dreamed prized if it is feasible. Please write in our facebookfanpage's status wall (www.facebook.com/thetolemaster) for your dreamed prizes before December, 3rd 2013!!!



  1. We advise you do research on us by Google us up!

  2. You may come to our medical centre for filming by making appointment by inbox us at www.facebook.com/thetolemaster.

  3. Plus point will be given to those highlight miracle which has actually happened in The Tole!



Wait! We have not finish yet! Everyone can win!





If you successfully recommend a friend to join our contest you will be entitle for 1 lucky draw entry and straight away win our mysterious gift!


What's more? If your video has more than 100 views and 20 likes we will grant you another lucky draw entry for each of your friend whom submitted their video to us!


You have more than 50% chance of winning lucky draw because we do not have lucky draw prize limit! We will draw 51% times the number of entries for lucky draw! From this 51% of entries, we will draw again 3 entries for our lucky draw grand prize winner.




IMPORTANT:  Please read these rules before entering this contest. By participating in this Contest, you agree to be bound by these Official Rules and represent that you satisfy all of the eligibility requirements below.  



1. Eligibility: Do You Know TheTole video contest is open to individuals who are 17 years of age or older, and residents of all countries worldwide. All federal, state and local, provincial, city and municipal laws and regulations apply. Employees of The Tole Acupuncture and Herbal Medical Centre Sdn. Bhd. ("Giveaway Organizer"), their advertising or promotion agencies, those involved in the production, development, or handling of the Giveaway, any agents acting for, or on behalf of the above entities, their respective parent companies, officers, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensees, service providers, prize suppliers, any other person or entity directly associated with the Giveaway (collectively "Giveaway Entities") or their immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings and children) and household members (whether related or not) of each such employee or contractor are not eligible.

2. Giveaway Organizer: The Giveaway is managed by The Tole Acupuncture and Herbal Medical Centre Sdn. Bhd.

3. Agreement to Official Rules: Participation in the Video Contest constitutes entrant's full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these Official Rules and the decisions of the Video Contest Organizer which are final and binding. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein.

4. Entry Period: The Video Contest starts on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at 12:00 PM UTC +8.00 and ends Monday, March 3, 2014 at 11:59 PM UTC +8.00 (the "Submission and Voting Period".)

5. Entry: To enter the Video Contest, follow the instructions on the primary Video Contest web page. Submission will result in one (1) entry. All duplicate or falsified entries are disqualified. The use of any agencies or automated software to submit entries will void all entries submitted by that person or IP address.

6. Judging: At the conclusion of the Submission and Voting Period, the Video Contest Organizer will select the 10 entry based on creativity and originality. Potential winners will be contacted via email and asked to provide their full name, date of birth, age, email address, phone number and residential address within three (3) days of being notified. The Photo Contest Organizer may at its own discretion require a copy of a government issued identification card to verify the information provided. The information given during the verification process must match precisely the information provided during registration. If a potential winner does not respond within the stated time frame, or if the information does not match the registration records, the Photo Contest Organizer at its own discretion may select an alternate potential winner in his/her place from the subsequence entry or nullify the prize.

7. Requirements of the Potential Winners: Except where prohibited, the potential winners may be required to complete and return an affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release (the "Affidavit/Release") within five (5) days of being notified. If a potential winner fails to sign and return the Affidavit/Release within the required time period, an alternate entrant may be selected in his/her place from the subsequence voted entry. Acceptance of a prize constitutes unconditionally and perpetual consent to use winner's name, photo and likeness for editorial, advertising and publicity purposes without additional compensation, except where prohibited by law.

8. Prize(s): The prizes (including each prize's approximate retail value) available to be won in the Video Contest have been posted on the Video Contest web page. No cash or other substitution may be made, except by the Video Contest Organizer, who reserves the right to substitute a prize with another prize of equal or greater value if the prize is not available for any reason as determined by the Video Contest Organizer in its sole discretion. The winners are responsible for all taxes, import duty and fees associated with receipt or use of a prize.

9. General Conditions: In the event that the operation, security, or administration of the Video Contest is impaired in any way and for any reason, including, but not limited to fraud, virus, or other technical problem, the Video Contest Organizer may, in its sole discretion, either: (a) suspend the Video Contest to address the impairment and then resume the Video Contest in a manner that best conforms to the spirit of these Official Rules; or (b) award the prizes to the selected 10 entries received up to the time of the impairment. The Video Contest Organizer reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual(s) it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Video Contest or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by any person to undermine the legitimate operation of the Video Contest may be a violation of criminal and civil laws, and, should such an attempt be made, the Video Contest Organizer reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. The Video Contest Organizer's failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. In case of a dispute as to the owner of an entry, entry will be deemed to have been submitted by the authorized account holder of the IP address from which the entry is made. The authorized account holder is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, online service provider, or other organization responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address.

10. Release and Limitations of Liability: By participating in the Video Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Video Contest Entities from and against any claim or cause of action arising out of participation in the Video Contest or receipt or use of any prize, including, but not limited to: (a) unauthorized human intervention in the Video Contest; (b) technical errors related to computers, servers, providers, or telephone or network lines; (c) printing errors; (d) lost, late, postage-due, misdirected, or undeliverable mail or packages; (e) errors in the administration of the Video Contest or the processing of entries; or (f) injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant's participation in the Video Contest or receipt of any prize. Entrant further agrees that in any cause of action, the Video Contest Entities' liability will be limited to the cost of entering and participating in the Video Contest, and in no event shall the Video Contest Entities be liable for attorney's fees or other extraneous liabilities. Entrant waives the right to claim any damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, punitive, consequential, direct, or indirect damages.

11. Giveaway Results: The list of the winners is published online and all participants are notified by email as to the location of that list.


Our Privacy Statement: The data we collect is used only to determine general demographic information and not specific personal information. We will not sell, rent, lease or allow any third party to view, manage or use the information collected during the Video Contest. We will only add you to our private email mailing list if you explicitly consent to receive information directly from us by your own selection of this option. We take reasonable measures to keep the information disclosed secure. However, we assume no responsibility for any breach of security to this data.

CP Cerebral Palsy Cure with The Tole Acupuncture Treatment And Herbal Treatment title 03
We can send herbs to your home by:

The Tole's Opening Ceremony
Our New Acupuncture Centre was officially open by our Health Minister YAB Dato' Lee Kim Sai on 31st January 1993.
Our New Acupuncture Treatment and Herbal Medical Treatment Centre
YAB Dato' Lee Kim Sai and Dato' Leong Hong Tole (D.S.T.M) - [World Known as MasterTole]
Share us with your friends.
They may need our assistance!



The Star News
The Star newspaper report on our Chinese Master's  acupuncture treatment and herbal medical treatment
The Star Newspaper report on Our Master's Acupuncture and Herbal TCM on 5th February 2011, Saturday.
CP Cerebral Palsy Cure with The Tole Acupuncture Treatment And Herbal Treatment title 03

The Tole Lower Abdominal Pain Cure with Master Leong's Herbal Treatment and Acupuncture TreatmentThe Tole Officially Opened by our Health Minister.
- Acupuncture Centre

Acupunture Herbal Medicine Treatment
CP Cerebral Palsy Cure with The Tole Acupuncture Treatment And Herbal Treatment title 04
Contact Us
Neuro Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine


Lot 2.01, 2nd Floor, Medical Specialist Floor, Menara KH (Menara Promet), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-21418370

Whatsapp (only): +6012-7688284

Acupuncture Time :
Operating Hours :
Mon : 10AM - 6PM
Tue : 1PM - 7PM
Wed to Sat : 10AM - 7PM
Sun : 12PM - 4PM
*(Malaysia Time)

* E-mail consultation with Master and Assistant.
Ask by e-mail

Acupunture Herbal Medicine Treatment


Neuro Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
E-Herbs Treatment Cure of The Tole Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure A-Z
The Tole's Testimony


CP Cerebral Palsy Cure with The Tole Acupuncture Treatment And Herbal Treatment title 05