Tag: Pain management

The Tole Malaysia

If you want to find the best herbal medicine for your condition, here we provide you the highest quality of herbs. These herbs may be found in traditional formulas combined with other herbs that are then individualized to specific conditions.

We have grow our herbal plants in our own garden called TheTole Herbal Garden. The garden has been taken cared by Master himself.

Chinese herbal medicine varies according to the symptoms, the predominance of ‘heat’, ‘cold’, and other pathogens, and the strength of a patient’s Qi. An individual’s prescription will vary according to the differentiated patterns of ‘wind-cold’.

The Tole KL

TheTole centre has 2 branches. One is in Kuala Lumpur (KL) and the other one is in Puchong, Selangor. For new patient who wants to get acupuncture treatment in Puchong, you first need to come to KL branch for registeration and make health assessment. This is because KL branch is the HQ of TheTole.

However, for those who are unable to come to our centre for acupuncture, we have provide online consultation via Video call and Live Chat. After that, we can deliver your herbal medicine through courier services.


Acupuncture is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practiced for over 2,000 years. It involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of Qi, or vital energy, which is believed to flow through channels or meridians in the body. Acupuncture has gained widespread acceptance in Western medicine and is now commonly used to treat a variety of conditions, including pain, anxiety, depression, infertility, and more.

The practice of acupuncture is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which views the body as a complex system of energy flows. According to this theory, Qi flows through the body along pathways called meridians, and when Qi is blocked or unbalanced, it can lead to pain and illness. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, an acupuncturist can stimulate the flow of Qi and help restore balance to the body.

Acupuncture is a safe and effective therapy that is typically administered by a licensed acupuncturist. During a typical acupuncture session, the practitioner will ask the patient about their health history and any current symptoms they may be experiencing. They will then examine the patient’s tongue, pulse, and other diagnostic tools to determine the best course of treatment.

The needles used in acupuncture are very thin and typically cause little to no discomfort when inserted. Patients may feel a sensation of warmth, pressure, or tingling around the needle site, which is a sign that the Qi is being stimulated. The needles are left in place for 20 to 40 minutes, during which time the patient may rest or listen to soothing music.

Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, headaches, digestive disorders, and more. It is often used in conjunction with other forms of traditional Chinese medicine, such as herbal medicine and dietary therapy, to help restore balance to the body.

While the scientific evidence for acupuncture is mixed, many people find it to be a safe and effective complementary therapy to other forms of medical treatment. It is important to choose a licensed and qualified acupuncturist to ensure that the treatment is administered safely and effectively. If you are considering acupuncture, be sure to discuss your options with your healthcare provider to determine if it is a suitable form of treatment for your condition.

Abdominal Pain (lower) in Women

Lower abdominal pain in women refers to pain or discomfort felt in the area below the belly button and above the groin. It can be caused by various conditions related to the reproductive or digestive systems, including menstrual cramps, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Menstrual cramps are a common cause of lower abdominal pain in women during their periods. They occur due to the contraction of the uterus as it sheds its lining. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can develop on the ovaries, which may cause lower abdominal pain if they rupture or twist.

Endometriosis occurs when the tissue lining the inside of the uterus grows outside of it. This can cause severe lower abdominal pain, especially during menstruation. PID is an infection of the reproductive organs, often caused by sexually transmitted infections, which can cause lower abdominal pain, fever, and vaginal discharge.

Ectopic pregnancy is a potentially life-threatening condition where a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. It can cause severe lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and shoulder pain.

IBS is a chronic digestive disorder that can cause lower abdominal pain, as well as bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation.

Other potential causes of lower abdominal pain in women include urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and appendicitis.

It is important to seek medical attention if the pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or vomiting. Treatment for lower abdominal pain in women depends on the underlying cause and may include medication, surgery, or lifestyle changes.

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